
Showing posts from November, 2021

Self Education Will Make You A Fortune

One of the biggest myths in our modern society is that formal education is what you'll need to be successful. Unfortunately, our education systems around the world were primarily designed during the industrial age as a means to create quality employees for the elite that owned the factories and other industries. A good formal education may very well prepare you for a high paying job someday, but I haven't met many people who manage to live a fulfilled life who have a JOB (also known as Just Over Broke). One of my mentors Jim Rohn said "Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune". Your education experience may not have been like mine, but here's one thing I discovered along the way. I did very well in school, graduating from both high school and college with honours. As soon as I left school though, those accolades didn't mean very much at all. They were sufficient in obtaining employment, but I got the job more as a result

Stop Making Excuses for Who and Where You Are

 By Dan Waldschmidt September 9, 2016  What you do matters. Everything. The big stuff. The little stuff. Even the annoying stuff. It matters that you waste time.  It matters that you blame others for your failures. It matters that you are lazy at times. It matters because achieving your goals matters. And eliminating excuses is the pathway that takes you there. It’s the same path that every great achiever has followed. Related:   Stop Using These 3 Excuses If You Want to Be Successful Sigmund Freud  was booed off the stage the first time he presented his theories to a group of scientists in Europe. He went on to win the Goethe Award for his work in psychology. Winston Churchill  failed sixth grade and lost every public election he ran for until he was elected Prime Minister of England at the age of 62. Albert Einstein  didn’t speak until he was 4 years old, couldn’t read basic words until he was 7 and was expelled from school. He eventually revolutionized physics with his Theory of

Use Your Storm To Rest


Wealth Building - How Simple Is Your Personal Investing Strategy?

Is your personal investing strategy simple enough to where you can explain it to another person so that they understand it? If not, it might be time to reconsider your approach. Most people's success in increasing personal wealth is equally proportionate to their ability to understand their investing plan. Let's face it, most of us aren't financial experts and there's no point in becoming one in order to succeed with increasing your personal wealth. Instead, you need a simple plan for personal wealth building and a strong desire to make it happen. Let's look at one of the simplest and most effective options you can start with... The Foundation of Your Personal Investing Strategy The foundation of any successful strategy for personal investing is to manage your existing cashflow. Believe it or not, every time you spend your money, you're investing in something. You're either investing in building your financial security or building someone else's. This

Is It Really A Wealth Mindset?

In 2003, I was introduced to the world of personal development. While I have learned many valuable lessons since then, and I have grown (i.e. "developed" I guess you could say), looking back I also believe that some of what was being shared was not what it appeared to be. Much of my personal development journey centered on something referred to as a "money mindset."  I was taught that if I wasn't as wealthy as I wanted to be, it was because I did not possess a wealth mindset.  I was taught wealth affirmations. I went through experiential exercises that were supposed to transform my mindset.  I was taught to live and spend "as if I were wealthy."   The result of all of this mindset reprogramming was supposed to be financial freedom. I would begin attracting great wealth. It would not be difficult. It would not require hard work. In fact, I still have a board that I broke with my hand (think karate chop) in an exercise at one of those wealth wee

WATCH THIS EVERYDAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Denzel Washington Motivational Speech 2021


Vibrate At The Frequency Of What You Want.

Submitted by: Kathy FLORIDA I am a small business owner. 2020 was a really rough year. Thankfully, learning more about the law of attraction and manifesting have helped me to stay grounded, even when I felt the most desperate.   I am a small business owner whose business, even in good years, was up and down. In 2020 I learned what it is like to have all your bank accounts in the negative with bank fees piling on, and to only have 25 cents in cash. I had a few days without eating, and I learned how much gas I needed to have in my car before the empty light comes on.   Through all of these experiences, I kept thinking that there must be something that I am supposed to be learning from this. It seemed that no matter what I did to try to bring in money, I just could not catch up. I asked God over and over to please help me. Something kept pulling me to reread The Power. I had bought it years ago and used it back then successfully, but it had just sat on my bookshelf eve

Wealth Building - 3 Tips ANYONE Can Use To Build Serious Wealth

Article Source: We all want to make money fast and we all want to be wealthy however, most people don't achieve serious wealth. The reason is, they make simple mistakes that prevent them reaching their goal of building serious wealth and the fact is there easy avoid, so let's look at them. 1. Someone else can make you rich It's tempting to believe this, but of course the reality of building wealth is: You need to do it for yourself and not rely on anyone else. Let's face it, the people who say you can get rich with them charge you. If they could do it for themselves they wouldn't need you, they could shut up and do it for themselves, most will appeal to your greed, take their fees and you will end up disappointed. 2. You can build serious wealth overnight We have all read stories of people who made huge sums overnight, but let's be realistic: Their minority and a small one at that! That's not to say you can't build serio

Discipline is an Effective Habit

What is Discipline? Does discipline have anything to do with success or motivation? Does discipline have anything to do with your everyday life? Can discipline be an effective habit? Discipline is defined as a commitment to the most important person in the world - YOU. It means doing what you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. Discipline is an effective habit and effective habits lead to effective results. Conversely, ineffective habits produce ineffective results. Firstly, you must discipline yourself to seek awareness and rid yourself of ineffective habits. Then, by utilizing discipline, replace those ineffective habits with useful and productive ones. By doing so, you can achieve anything you want in life. Discipline, along with a positive attitude, is within your control. Don't allow those ineffective habits to control you and your future. Instead, discover how daily discipline will eventually alter any negative habits and change your life for the better. Go a
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Goal Setting - Can It Increase Your Self-Esteem?

Would it surprise you to know that your self-esteem (the value you place on yourself) determine whether you reach your goals or not? The opposite is equally true: Setting and achieving realistic goals will boost your self-esteem substantially. Don't believe me? Just think about the last time you struggled to master a new skill. At the very point of exasperation, when you are at your wits end, if you persevere despite being sorely tempted to give up... Suddenly, miraculously, it all falls into place... Did you feel smart, surprised, rewarded, fulfilled, elated and as if you were going to explode with pride? Did you feel like you could easily build on this achievement? That's how you'll feel every time you set and achieve a personal goal. It will be even more satisfying if you focused your energies purposefully onto achieving something specific and concrete. "Dare to dream! If you did not have the capability to make your wildest wishes come true, your mind would not have

The Most Powerful Mindset for Success


The Millionaire Mindset: How Self Made Millionaires Think

Do you dream of becoming rich someday, but are not sure how to go about it? There is a myth that rich people are born with an innate talent to strive for excellence and think creatively, but it is all nonsense! Being a millionaire is not about having more than one million in your bank account. It is about the mindset which creates wealth for you. Similarly, it is the mindset (the wrong one) that prevents you from being a wealthy person. Think about it.. why is it when some people win a huge amount of money in a lottery, they go back to square one and become broke yet again within a couple of years? It is because they never learned the mindset of a millionaire. So, how much money you have right now does not determine you future financial status. Your future depends on your thinking; it's all about changing your psychological approach towards money, success and happiness. When you think of the word 'millionaire' what image flashes in your mind? For many, it is a flashy type o